We believe every person deserves to be treated with dignity
We believe every person deserves to be treated with dignity
Our Mission
The Maryville Foundation champions and funds organizations that protect children and strengthen families. Our targeted and thoughtful investments help these organizations empower children and families to achieve their fullest potential intellectually and spiritually.
The positive impact that the family has on a healthy society cannot be overstated. It is in the family where our next generation of children learn about trust, social mores and resiliency. Yet, today’s families are under extreme pressure, often leading to increased cases of low self-esteem, emotional trauma, abuse and incarceration. For each of us to truly reach our fullest God-given potential, this pattern of behavior must change.
The Foundation at a Glance
Programs Funded
Children, Families &
Adults Served
Crisis Helpline Calls
News & Stories
Yass Quarterfinal Announcement
Maryville Foundation Hires Chief Development Officer
Maryville breaks ground on Niles school for special needs students
Make a Difference
Your gift to the Maryville Foundation will enable us to expand our reach by investing in the development of new programs that impact the lives of more children and families.